All communication with the SMART Transportation Division must include your name (as shown in SMART membership records), home address and local number.
SMART Transportation Division welcomes and appreciates your email comments. Due to the volume of comments received, as well as the legal, security and SMART Constitutional concerns that may raise, responses can only be provided as time permits and as these other concerns dictate.
All letters should include your name (as shown in SMART membership records), home address and local number.
SMART Transportation Division members needing assistance with grievances under applicable agreements should reduce them to writing with complete information on the subject matter and submit them to the Local Committee of Adjustment holding jurisdiction, as provided in Article Twenty-One B (21 B), Section 79, of the SMART Constitution.
To contact the Transportation Division headquarters, Transportation Division committee members or Transportation Division general chairpersons, select from the links below.
SMART Transportation Division Headquarters
SMART Transportation Division Locals
Locals By Charter State
Local Summaries
General Committees of Adjustment
Airline GCA
Rail GCA
Steel Rail
State Legislative Boards
Associations, Teams & Special Committees
Association of General Chairpersons
National Association of State Directors
SMART Transportation Division Safety Team
SMART Transportation Division Diversity & Inclusion Committee
Legal Department
Federal Agencies
SMART TD Auxiliary
SMART Transportation Division Auxiliary